Application of foam glass in engineering

  Application of foam glass in engineering

Thermal insulation material building thermal insulation foam glass has fire prevention, waterproof, corrosion resistance, mothproof, not aging, high strength, good size stability and other characteristics, its chemical composition more than 99% is inorganic glass, is a kind of environmentally friendly material, not only suitable for building exterior wall, basement insulation, more suitable for roof insulation. The experience of using foam glass as a building insulation material in the United States proves that the foam glass is durable and has excellent performance and quality.


 Building roof thermal insulation and heat insulation

There are three main structural forms of foam glass used for thermal insulation of building roof: forward flat roof, inverted flat roof and slope roof. In these structures, foam glass and other inorganic materials are easy to combine, easy to construct, waterproof, fire prevention, thermal insulation effect is better. The inverted roof can also be used for greening, the actual engineering application of the state Planning Commission office building, the central ethnic song and dance troupe residential building, Beijing Fanggu Garden two District 14 residential building, etc.


 The exterior wall of the building is insulated and insulated

Foam glass, as the external thermal insulation material of the external wall, can effectively reduce the thickness of the wall, reduce the quality of the building structure, and expand the use area. Tian Yingliang and other experts from Beijing University of Technology studied the specific application of foam glass in building energy saving, and believed that different regions should calculate and choose the corresponding thickness of foam glass according to the requirements of heat transfer coefficient.




Open-hole foam glass is mainly used as a sound-absorbing material. Sound-absorbing foam glass can be pasted on the concrete base with cement mortar, or masonry into a large section ventilation muffler, or with adhesive paste on the steel substrate. Due to its excellent characteristics, it can be used in wet and vibration conditions. However, some experts in the industry believe that the average sound absorption coefficient of ordinary foam glass is about 0. 4, which can not meet the requirements of noise control for sound absorption performance. For example, the Code for Acoustic Design of Road Sound Barrier in China requires the sound absorption coefficient of the average sound absorption coefficient to be greater than 0. 5. By adjusting the formula of the mixture, they improved the roasting process and processing method, and increased the connecting pore rate of foam glass from the original about 60% to about 80%, and its average sound absorption coefficient was greater than 0. 6, which is a kind of efficient sound absorption material.


 Light fill material

 At present, there is no report on foam glass as light filling material in municipal construction in China. However, in Japan, some researchers have studied this work and successfully applied it to municipal engineering.

Using foam glass as a light filling material has the following advantages: (1) the main chemical composition of foam glass is inorganic glass, which has good heat resistance and chemical erosion resistance.(2) Foam glass will not release harmful substances, will not pollute the foundation and groundwater, is an environmentally friendly material.(3) The apparent density of foam glass can be controlled by the production process parameters to adapt to different foundation conditions.(4) The closed hole foam glass stoma is closed, not connected with the outside world, and its quality will not change due to rain and water absorption.(5) The shape and size of granular foam glass are similar to that of ordinary pebbles and gravel, so its landfill method is similar to that of ordinary foundation materials, and it does not need special construction machinery.


 Lightweight concrete aggregate

 It is one of the important topics in the construction industry to improve the heat insulation performance of the external enclosure structure by keeping the thickness of the wall unchanged. Reducing the average apparent density of light concrete to 700~ 900 kg / m3 is considered as a more effective way to improve the thermal insulation performance of the outer envelope structure. The report of foam glass as a lightweight concrete aggregate came first in France. In the 1930s, by the French S. Gubain The foam glass produced by the company is mainly used as a light aggregate for concrete because of its large pore diameter and uneven distribution. Studies have been followed in many countries. The Russian company Saving Technologies LTD has developed a granular and plate foam glass, in which the granular foam glass can be directly used as a lightweight concrete aggregate. There are also related reports in Japan. For the reinforced concrete anchor mixed with the granular foam glass aggregate, the mass of the granular foam glass is reduced from 760 kg to 550 kg, so it is easier to build, and the transportation cost is greatly reduced.


On the other hand, because about 80% of the concrete volume is gravel aggregate, in order to obtain these raw materials, or need to destroy vegetation, soil erosion, landslides, or need to dig the riverbed, change the height, shape and position of the riverbed, damage the embankment and channel, pollute the river, seriously divert the river, thus lose the beautiful beach and other natural landscape. If the foam glass is used as a lightweight concrete aggregate, it can not only reduce pollution, but also save resources, which is an effective way to green building materials.


 Water-retaining materials are used for greening

In order to solve the problem of "gray pollution" of concrete, people use many methods. Now, the international began to popular a porous concrete or called green concrete material, this material in Japan is more mature. But as a concrete cementing material of cement, still needs to consume a lot of resources, energy, and cause environmental pollution. In order to further promote the harmonious development of man and nature, many scholars began to develop other green ecological materials. As mentioned above, the water absorption rate of porous foam glass is 50%~70%, and some are even higher. It is precisely because of its good water absorption and water retention performance, Japan Saga University experts and others. Considering its application in greening engineering, and conducted a series of experiments, which achieved success. They fixed foam glass plates of 50.0 cm 8. 0 cm 1. 0 cm on a rock-based slope. This plate has the characteristics of light weight and excellent water retention performance, therefore, when the slope dries due to water loss, the water stored in the foam glass plate can continue to supply the soil and roots. These foam glass plates are staggered to organize soil loss.